Thursday, December 23, 2010

Food Supplies are Limited in New Jersey

Sunset from the plane

We just landed in Miami. Smooth flight. Hope our luggage made it too.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

We're going home!

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Choices for "occupation" on the Indian departure form :)

Sports Person

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Southern india...a different country

The south of india is like a completely different country...the state
we went to was kerala. In kerala, people speak malaolem instead of
hindi, and knowledge of English overall is much better. The streets
are cleaner, there are actual sidewalks and people are just more
relaxed. Its called "god's own country". A trip to india is not
complete without visiting the south. If I had just done the golden
triangle (delhi, jaipur and agra), then I would have been very unhappy
with the trip and I would have had an overall negative impression of
my trip.

We stopped at a lovely little place in Thekkaddy called mundax. The
owner basically hand built the entire house and put it it the middle
of four acres of gorgeous organic plants and spices and a small little
lake. Everything about the house was relaxing ... all the wooden
furniture was hand built and smelled of delicious different
trees...everything was very minimalist....the air was absurdly fresh
and the owner was a certified yoga instructor (wenjun and eugene took
a class).

We went to another ayurvedic massage. This one was so much nicer than
the last one. Everything was totally hygenic and the oil was very
fresh (and heated). It was very relaxing...the funny thing is eugene
and David preferred the first gross massage because it was "more
authentic". Ha...there's no accounting for taste.

Anyway...the stay at mundax was my favorite of the trip. It was
peaceful, relaxing and just beautiful. I would definitely stay there
for a more extended period of time.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh and I Forgot

Coffee to-go cups - they give you a flimsy cold cup with a flimsy lid... ouch :(

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Top 10 Things India Doesn't Have

1. Trash cans - if you ask someone for a place to throw something away
they say "This is India. Throw it in the street."

2. Sidewalks - I need a stunt double to shop at a street market for me

3. Reliable hot water - geyzers and buckets and pails, oh my!

4. Clean bathrooms - just oh my!

5. Change for a 1000 Rupee Note - there seems to be a shortage of small change

6. Reliable Electricity - rolling blackouts or surprise ones

7. Peace and quiet - we have to wear earplugs if we want to sleep past
6 am, and that doesn't really work, either

8. Lanes - you can, and in fact must, drive on the wrong side of the road

9. Street addresses - maps are useless, you just have to ask.

10. 12v DC adapter - David left his on the plane

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