they say "This is India. Throw it in the street."
2. Sidewalks - I need a stunt double to shop at a street market for me
3. Reliable hot water - geyzers and buckets and pails, oh my!
4. Clean bathrooms - just oh my!
5. Change for a 1000 Rupee Note - there seems to be a shortage of small change
6. Reliable Electricity - rolling blackouts or surprise ones
7. Peace and quiet - we have to wear earplugs if we want to sleep past
6 am, and that doesn't really work, either
8. Lanes - you can, and in fact must, drive on the wrong side of the road
9. Street addresses - maps are useless, you just have to ask.
10. 12v DC adapter - David left his on the plane
Sent from my mobile device
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