Monday, January 5, 2009

Kerala Adventures

We spent the day going around Cochi and doing some sightseeing and
shopping. Cochi is a really nice, picturesque, and relatively clean
place. The sightseeing that's here is interesting but most of the
things to see are very quick. So for us it seems the primary
activities here are taking in the laid-back atmosphere, enoying the
warm weather, and doing some shopping.

We did see some interesting things here though. The Chinese fishing
nets here are a traditional way of catching fish. We didn't see them
operating (and in fact they are rarely used these days) but we did see
some people catching shrimp with nets.

Right around the fishing area there was a small flock of goats. We
noticed that they were cute, stopped to take a few pictures and moved
along. They started following us on the path, and we noticed it but
didn't think much of it. But they got closer and started moving faster
until they were outright charging us. Now, okay, goats are not that
intimidating when they ate standing there grazing, but when there are
ten of them charging you it's a little scary. So we ran a few feet out
of their path and fortunately they stopped. I think they were just
being defensive because they had their young with them. But anyway,
this was our second close encounter with livestock on this trip. What
is it about us?

In the afternoon we headed to an area called Jew Town, which has an
old synagogue and a bunch of touristy shops. The synagogue was
interesting but we couldn't take pictures because of security
concerns. Also we couldn't go inside with shorts so we had to rent
pants from a nearby store. No kidding!

In the evening we went for a performance of traditional Kerala dances,
which was interesting. Definitely a unique experience.

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